Speak Italian

Our Classes


A weekly topic and extensive role play in the Beginners class. Students enjoy the interaction of different scenarios and learn from listening to others in the group.

Suitable for those who have not previously learned Italian or know a few words or phrases.


A weekly topic with more discussion on a particular subject and activities relating to the lesson material. A lot of conversation from the group and teacher.

Suitable for those who have either been at Beginners class and want to continue, or for people who have a sound knowledge of Italian.

Advanced Intermediate

A weekly topic, reading and translating, discussion and activities relating to the lesson material. A lot of conversation from the group and teacher.

Suitable for those who have been learning or have learned Italian for a number of years.

Location and Cost

Classes are held at Rob Law House, on the corner of Queens Drive and Laings Road, (opposite Big Save), in Lower Hutt, Wellington. The cost is $102 per term. (Normally 8-9 lessons per term)

If you have any questions about our classes don’t hesitate to contact Anna. 

Term Dates

Classes are held Wednesday evenings during the normal school terms.

Beginners: 5.45 pm -7.00 pm
Intermediate 7.00 pm – 8 pm
Advanced Intermediate 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm

Term Dates for 2024 are as follows:

Term 1 – 12 February to 9 April
Term 2 – 30 April to 25 June
Term 3 – 16 July to 17 September
Term 4 – 8 October to 26 November